23 February, 2011

Air: Peace to Rage

As you wake from a peaceful slumber you're senses are bombarded with the fresh sights and sounds of a new day. After having moved from the bed to your balcony you notice it will be a hot day, but you find relief from the breeze cooling your skin, your significant other baking fresh bread in the kitchen, you also find wonder in watching the birds swoop and dash about on the air pockets. Having enjoyed these sights for a few moments, you enjoy your breakfast with your significant other, and after you take a stroll to the beach at the base of your vacation home, as you take a seat on the beach you admire the waves crashing on the rock while taking notice of the faint saltiness aroma being blown in from the ocean. Unfortunately this is the final day of your peaceful vacation away from the stresses of everyday life in the city, but with this you have one final experience with air, your flight home. While on the flight you marvel at the achievement of humankind being able to harness such a powerful force, and am thankful for this opportunity to be able to enjoy such holidays.

You have now been home for several days and as you watch the news you see a report that a hurricane has destroyed the vacation home you stayed in. With this thought in your head you are again thankful for the peace and memories that the air has brought you, but also aware of the destruction it can bring.

This was the second installment to my thoughts on the elements. Do you have any thoughts on air or earth?


The next installment is - Fire: Mesmerizing to Fierce

19 February, 2011

Earth: Creation to Destruction

You're alone in a field, to your left is a forest, to the right mountains. As you look tot he sky you see a storm coming, which way to you turn for shelter. If it were me I would have trouble deciding as both places can provide ample shelter. Hiding below the canopy of the trees is a remarkable sight and the sound of rain on leaves in relaxing. During the storm some rain has come through, and after, you have the aroma of fresh damp soil and flora.

If you ran to the mountains you have the opportunity to hide in a cave from the approaching storm. The cave offers a different setting from the forest, as it offers the strength of the earth and the peacefulness of darkness, but if you suffer from claustrophobia, you hope you didn't make the wrong decision. While hiding in the cave you discover the means to create fire, and when the fire is raging, you see stories of the past written into the rock. These stories are from the earth shaping to its current form, and civilizations past, whose story is told through drawings and symbols.

After the storm has passed you emerge from the forest, or cave, to discover a landslide has destroyed the fringe of the forest, and a volcano has erupted in the distance and clouded the beautiful sky above. Yet in your mind you see this as a humble message to humankind from nature that she is keeping us in check, and to not take her for granted and destroy the beauty that has been provided.

This is my view of the Earth element. What do you see when in nature and what are your thoughts about earth(not the planet), but soil, flora, rock, etc.


Next installment - Air: Peace to Rage

18 February, 2011

Blog Inspiration

The inspiration for this blog came from my love of earth, air, fire and water, hence the Elemental in the title. As for the alchemy well that's drawn from my interest in the fantasy genre from novels, history and video games. If it were not for the elements, alchemy would never have been attempted, and I feel alchemy is the precursor to modern day sciences like chemistry, biology and psychology.

16 February, 2011

Turning a New Leaf

So I decided the other blog I have is not doing me justice, as I feel limited to what I can write on it. The reason I started this one is so I can write of the quirky things I view throughout the week and other odd thoughts that pop into my head. Most of those thoughts tend to appear while I am falling asleep and when I wake they have gone. My new leaf is to write these thoughts down before I forget them in order to improve my memory and find my true interests.

I have a very difficult time writing my thoughts and getting my ideas to paper. This is part of the reason I have started to go back to school and will continue to do so. Yes it may take me 5+ years to get a degree/certificate in anything, but it is the best way for me to do so. The other reason I have started this new blog is to teach myself HTML/XHTML and a graphic design program, so if anyone has advice or knows of an online course I could take(low cost or free) it would be very helpful.

Anyway enough of my rant, enjoy your day and I shall have a new post in a couple days, and please give me feedback on the look of the blog so far. I know a few things that need to be adjusted and will get to them when I have adequate time to play with the finer details.
