Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
My rating: 0 of 5 stars
I feel that I can't even rate this book 1 star as it is the second worst book I have read to date.
This was my second attempt at reading it, and I only finished out sheer stubbornness, because the first time I gave up after 20 pages, and nearly quit twice this time round. I disliked Winston as a character, hated Big Brother and The party. If I had lived in the 50's and read this book I still don't believe that I would have found it disturbing or thought provoking, simply because I believe that humans will always have compassion towards one another, even if there is war happening in many places around the world. When it came to the parts with Winston reading 'the book', I had to skip those pages as what I did read was a repeat of what had already been written in the novel 1984, and I had had enough of the repetitive descriptions and dialogue. My first real joy came when Winston was locked in the Ministry of Love(what fucked up kind of name is that for a prison, seriously Orwell this is what you came up with?), and he was thinking of the bullet entering his brain through the back of his skull. I was hoping in the next chapter that it would happen and I would not need to read anymore, but no alas he survives and miraculously loves Big Brother. Perhaps in many years time I will re-read it, but for now it will stay hidden on the bookshelf as I don't want to see its title.
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