28 April, 2011

Food Obsession

What do you do when there is only one left on the plate, and it's your favourite food? Do you offer to others around you, or do you grab it for yourself?

In the past year I have discovered my obsession for salty/briny foods. I have always had a love of dill pickles, especially homemade, and the ones I helped my mom make last autumn are amazing. I also really enjoy olives, no matter what ripeness they are, but I tend to lean towards green. On the Saturday of the Easter long weekend I made a pizza with real feta cheese, and love the briny water that it comes in, if I knew it wasn't unhealthy for me to drink it I probably would. Now when at a dinner party or a buffet and I have these choices in front of me, my plate usually ends up quite full of these food items. I would keep my fridge stocked all the time if it were affordable, but alas it is something I will never be able to afford and therefor is a luxury.

What is the one food, or type of food that you have a love for and will always eat the last one from the plate or bowl?


1 comment:

  1. Mmm pickles. Coming around the olives more, but mostly in martinis to make the alcohol less alcohol-y. Just one food, eh? That's tough. Maybe cheese. Or chocolate.
