15 April, 2011

Summertime, Living Is Easy

Well after being unemployed for five months I have started working at Home Hardware again. I was excited to be working again as I was running out of activities to keep me occupied throughout the day, but once I walked through the warehouse doors, I felt the life force be sucked out of me. After a week of being back I am already into some of my old habits, which include staying awake much later than I should and eating junk food late in the night as well. With the increasingly becoming better I will be back to commuting to work on my bike, and improvements to my diet and exercise routines.

As the weather works towards its peak it is time to plant the vegetable garden again this year. In 2010 I attempted, and succeeded rather well for my first attempt at growing vegetables and herbs, and combining the info I have read throughout the winter, and last years experience I know that 2011 can be more productive. This time round I will be sure to plant all forms of lettuce in succession so we have it available for a longer period, and will avoid planting potatoes as they failed to produce anything that was amazing. The biggest surprise for me was the carrots that were of exceptional quality, and I am looking forward to making a soup with them again. I am hoping that the cucumbers, zucchini, squash and tomatoes perform better this year as well. The biggest challenge with the garden I have planted, due to its size, is keeping control of the weeds. I managed to stay on top for the first half, but once summer reached its peak I lost all control, but managed what I could.

There is something incredibly rewarding at the end of the harvest season when you look back at all the fresh vegetables and herbs that you put you energy into, and the cost savings from not having to purchase them at the grocery store. It brings a smile to your face to know that you contributed to improving your health and the environment, and I find there are few other satisfactions in life.


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